
MirrorBank is a lightweight, fast and easy to implement Automated Clearing House (ACC) simulator. It allows sending and receiving messages between real and fictitious financial institutions using the ISO 8583 specification

¿How does it works?

Mirror Bank is made up of a central switch and fictitious financial entities called agents. The switch allows the interconnection between agents and your bank, in this way both outgoing and incoming operations can be carried out, and either with load or in a unitary way.


Send and receive operations

Multifunctional agentes capable of generate and process operations just like a real bank does, simulating service times and response messages automatically.

ISO 8583 messages

Implementation of the ISO 8583 specification of the destination automated clearing house (ACC), with special functions such as automatic encryption and decryption in agents and switches.

Complete interface

Simple and easy to use interface where you can configure parameters, create test scenarios and send operations directly to agentes without having to use any external tool.

Performance tests

Agents capable of withstanding a large amount of load over a long period of time, wich allows high-intensity performance tests to be carried out.

Functional tests

Agentes capable of respond automatically to any type of operation, which allos to obtain expected results for each test case you configure.

Configurable policies

Variable response messages, which can be generated both in the switch and the agentes, through the use of rules that modify the result according to the content of the message.

Real time monitoring

Analyze the traffic that passes through the switch and agents, through a complete monitoring interface in real time.

Fast and light

High performance at a low cost, it processes hundreds of operations with minimal use of hardware resources.

Operating flexibility

Its low consumption and no software dependency allows Mirror Bank to run on any type of infrastructure, whether local or in the cloud.


Configurable rules

Control the outcome of response messages through a simple and flexible set of configurable rules, applicable to all types of messages.

Full interface

Define test scenarios, control and monitor execution, configure parameters, define rules, send messages directly to agents, all this and much more from a single interface.

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